Game Jams
Fading Light Ι 2022
Adventure game made in UE5 using next gen features. Expanded my knowledge on Lumen, Nanite, AI and much more.
Volcano Brawl Ι 2022
Game jam project made using Unity3D and C#. Helped create the core game loop, shaders written in ShaderGraph, overall QA and project setup.
Graveyard Bash Ι 2021
Solo C# programmer for SPOOKY JAM, creating a fast pased melee combat system with endless waves in Unity.
Oogies Spacepark Ι 2021
Epic MegaJam submission created with 4 friends, where I worked in blueprints to develop the interaction and sound system.
Press R Ι 2021
Kenney Jam submission, a fun little platformer made together with a friend in Unity C#.
RideTheChains Ι 2021
MashUp Game Jam 2 submission made with a couple of friends, worked on the endless loop system and helped with combat behavior using Unity.
Unarmed Ι 2021
DAE Virtual Easter JAM, my first ever game jam together with 4 students. Team captain and lead developer, made with Unity.