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Volcano Brawl

Project Size
7 days, 4 people
Tools & Languages
Unity, C#, GitHub
Project Lead
Gameplay Programmer & Technical Artist


You're living your best life out in nature, jumping around like it's nobody's business... Then suddenly BOOM, the local volcano explodes sending volcanic debris all over the place. You must survive at all costs for as long as possible. Good luck!

This project was a great way of improving my planning skills, as I was changing between code and art on the fly. Since one of the programmers got sick, I mostly helped out with code once the basic pipeline and lava shader was set up.

My Contribution

Player Controller

My main responsibility was making sure the player could properly move, attack and jump. So I started by implementing a basic movement controller using Unity's built in Character Controller, which comes with a built in ground check.

The attack is driven by animation and uses an overlap to check hits. For the stun mechanic I disabled all movement, and made the player invulnerable for a short duration to avoid infinite stuns.
volcano brawl controller

Technical Art

As my second role, I created the lava shader using ShaderGraph and a panning texture. The colors and emission intensity are done through a noise map which only has greyscale values.

To give the shader a more realistic look and blend in with the environment, I implemented a depth fade which can be seen where the plane interacts with the environment.

Finally I gave the scene some more life by adding simple particle effects.
volcano brawl shader