Academic Projects

Burger Time img

Burger Time Ι 2022

Burger Time remake using my self made engine powered by C++/SDL. Gameplay implemented using programming design patterns (command, prototype, state, ...).
Bomberman img

Bomberman Ι 2022

Custom DirectX C++ engine and Bomberman remake. Implementing DirectX render logic and pipeline, gameplay written in C++ and shaders in HLSL.
Bikin Ice img

Bikin Ice Ι 2022

Group project together with 4 other students, testing our project management and teamwork skills while developing a fun co-op game.
AI Formations img

AI Formations Ι 2021

Research on Coordinated Group Movement for AI in games. Researched AI leadership roles, pathfinding solutions and RTS gameplay using Unity3D and C#.
Survival AI img

Survival AI Ι 2021

Behavior tree powered AI playing a survival game. Features Blackboards, Movement Patterns and State Pattern.
Kirby Super Star Ultra img

Kirby Super Star Ultra Ι 2020

Remade one of my all time favorite games. Written in C++ while learning OOP workflow, project management and gameplay basics.